Monthly Archives: February 2019

Acknowledging Personal Growth through Public Speaking

Last week I had some major flashbacks this afternoon as I approached the Northeastern campus. I was invited to speak on innovation in nursing and healthcare to graduate nursing students. I’ve done this annually for the last several years. As I approached the classroom, I had memories of rushing to class two nights a week… Read more

Workarounds and their power for finding Innovative Solutions

If you are anything like me, you see ways to make improvements wherever you go and wonder why something is the way it is… As nurses and healthcare professionals we need to make improvements often through workarounds to get our work done. In this piece, I describe those innovative behaviors through workarounds in the context… Read more

February 11th was National Inventor’s Day!

Last Monday was National Inventor’s Day! To celebrate the day, I attended an event held on behalf of UCONN at the Mark Twain House in Hartford CT. I learned quite a bit… February 11th is National Inventor’s Day because it is Thomas Edison’s birthday (inventor of the ?). The first patent issued from the USPTO was… Read more

The fax machine still exists… in healthcare

Sometimes I am a new patient and it often goes something like this: “If you can fax us the forms back that’ll be great.” “I don’t have a fax. Can I email?” “No. You’ll have to fax or bring in with you for your appt.” ?‍♀️. Bidirectional secure portals do help and cut down on… Read more

Who else enjoys a good book?

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Who else is a reader? I try to read 6-12 new non-fiction books per year. These 3 came today: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell Have you read any of them yet? Do you have a recommendation for me to add to my list… Read more