Posts Categorized: Featured

Patients are People Too

Patients are people first. Patients are people who should have a voice in their care. Patients are people. While this is inherently known amongst us all, the words do have some differences in meaning within healthcare settings. The first pilot research study that I conducted investigated the meaning of knowing the patient. To know the… Read more

Change can be good.

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We have just entered a new year, the year of 2025. My year of 2024 was quite full of events, effort, activities, and more from start to finish. So full, that I did not quite catch my breath until the last day of the year. Even on the first day of the new year, I… Read more

Views from the Patient Side

“I am going to have you sign the consent form.” I heard this while checking into my Primary Care Provider (PCP) appointment a few weeks ago. When I go into a healthcare appointment, I am always looking around for opportunities to improve on the patient experience. However, I never expect what I do encounter. This… Read more

Lost Time is Costly for Nurses and Patients

Approximately 10% of the time during a nurse’s shift (e.g., workday) is spent on workarounds [1]. Workarounds arise due to systemic inefficiencies or barriers that complicate the ability to complete an activity needed for care delivery. Between 65 to 80% of nursing shifts are 12 hours in length. With 10% time lost to workarounds on… Read more

Caring for Oneself while Caring for Others

I was eager to become a nurse and help other people. My mother has shared with me that even as early as pre-school, I was eager to help others in the classroom. Fast forward a few decades, and the desire to help others continues in a variety of ways. While I am no longer in… Read more