Yesterday I shared the story from a Critical Care Nurse on what it means to help the lives of others. Today, I want to share a video story that I came across several months ago entitled, ‘It’s a nurse.” I caught this video by way of social media and it is the voice of a mother whose son is in the hospital.
She expresses heartfelt observations of the small gestures that nurses do to care for their patients. These small gestures make an impact on patients and their families. The mother places her trust in the nurses and you can feel her emotions in her story. Unfortunately, her son is not able to go home with her in the end. Yet, her son’s nurses turn to help her through the situation and give her the support she needs during the difficulty time.
Below is the video and I encourage you to listen. The power is in her words, not my description of the video: It’s a Nurse
At the end these were the mother’s closing words: “It is a gift from God what you do. Not everyone has the gift. Not everyone should have the power. But those of you who love the gift and wield the power compassionately are truly angels put here to perform miracles. It’s a nurse who does that. There are no words.”
As nurses we don’t always know that the actions we take to help patients and their families are seen or understood. However, that doesn’t stop us from providing the necessary care. To me, this mother’s account of what she saw and felt represents the art of the profession…truly being present in ways that are needed in that moment in time.